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太阳能邮箱项目电路,Solar Mailbox project

Final external Realization

The purpose of this project is to develop a self sufficient Mailbox (real height=474 src="/data/attachment/portal/201007/ET43993201007271059441.jpg" width=719 border=0>

click height=407 src="/data/attachment/portal/201007/ET43993201007271059442.jpg" width=544 border=0>

Behavioral Explanations

Apart when the Battery is totally low, the PIC is running and infinity loop which period is approximately 1 second, the red led is blinking accordingly.

During day light the SunSense signal is high and the PIC is not performing any operation (than the 1 second blinking loop). The Green led is height=863 src="/data/attachment/portal/201007/ET43993201007271059443.gif" width=579 border=0>


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