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IC Model:MDT2020BS/AS Associated Model: MDT2020AP  MDT2020AS/3V  MDT2030  MDT2051 
Model Quantity company Contact Manufacturers Batches Packaging Pricing
MDT2020BS/AS   Its Science Technologies Co., Ltd. of great achievement in Beijing Tel:010-66001621 SHI  1000  06+  库房现货 
MDT2020BS/AS 1200  Beijing first day ALBERT CHAN Technology Co., Ltd. Tel:010-51901725 SHI  04+    面议 
MDT2020BS/AS 500  Shenzhen makes profits and reaches Science & Technology Development Co., Ltd. Tel:0755-61289272 SHI    特价现货库存或发货一天  05+ 
MDT2020BS/AS 500  Make profits and reach Science & Technology Development Co., Ltd. in Beijing Tel:010-51294225 SHI  05+  SOP